Stitch count settings

The Stitch count settings are available to adjust the ITCU built-in software, to handle the different ways different embroidery machines are counting stitches.

Stitch count settings

Some settings at the embroidery machine need to be in place for the Coloreel unit to work correctly. The most important is to deactivate the setting that will make the machine insert jump stitches when stitch lengths are long. Look for a setting like "split stitch," "jump divide," "auto jump," etc.

For a perfect result, ensure that the thread tensions, both bobbin, and top thread, are set according to machine recommendations. Consequent tensions are essential for the color changes to occur at the correct places. Sudden changes in tension during embroidery can cause incorrect color changes.

 At Coloreel Help Center, you can find specific setting recommendations for some of the embroidery machine brands and models.

Here is where you can find them:

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Where are machine specific settings available?

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