Timeline & Selection Bar - Basic

What you have learned: The difference between Timeline and Selection bar and how they work

  • The timeline is located underneath the embroidery view and shows you where you are in your embroidery. 
  • The Selection Bar is located underneath the Timeline. The Selection Bar is where you edit the colors and effects of your embroidery. 
  • Press the Selection Bar > Split at Cursor. To create a section divider. 
  • Right click on the Selection Bar > Split Section. To create a Section Divider 
  • Press the Selection Bar > Split at Midpoint. To create two equal sized sections. 
  • Right click on the Selection Bar > Split at Midpoint. To create two equal sized sections. 
  • Use your scroll wheel on the Selection Bar. To Zoom in and out. 
  • Drag the Selection Bar to work with more details.