Windows Options - Basic

What you have learned: How to use the Window Options

  • The Zoom Tools are in Windows Options on the top of your screen. The Zoom in Tool is to the left and the Zoom out Tool to the right. 
  • You can move your embroidery by dragging it. 
  • The Fit-to-screen Tool is on the top of the screen with the Zoom tools. 
  • Right click on the Embroidery View > Select the color you want. To change the color of your Embroidery background 
  • Right click on the Embroidery View > Image > Add Image > Select image > Open. To add an image to your background for reference. 
  • Toggle Stitches. To move your embroidery. 
  • Toggle Background. To move your image background. 
  • Right click on the Embroidery View > Image > Hide Image. To hide the image background. 
  • Right click on the Embroidery View > Image > Hide Image. To show the image background.